Efficient Use of Space
The Creation of Opportunities
By Design: Preserving the Environment
By Design: Preserving the Environment
Mount Trashmore Park
Sports Complex
Reuse of Non-Traditional Materials to Reduce Construction Costs
By Design: Cheaper
Construction Material: CCR
Construction Material: Impacted Soils
Construction Material: Incinerator Ash
Construction Material: Non-Recyclable Materials
Construction Material: Dredge Spoils
Is your organization prepared with the right tools?
EnCAP-IT’s technology maximizes the excavated inflow rate, minimizes the dewatering, and onsite hauling distance. This allows my equipment enough “lay down” space to stay ahead of unencumbered excavation. Encumbered excavation costs me time and money.
The method of individually wrapping the cells (bunkers) allows for the acceleration of capping the excavated ash. This avoids future contact water created by weather or natural disasters.