The new coal ash rules were announced in tandem with three other regulations designed to reduce pollution from power plants. While it could take years to see how the other three rules will ultimately play out and how utilities will respond, the coal ash cleanup in this country has shifted into a higher gear.
EnCAP-IT provides the tools to leapfrog past the evolving regulations and provide all stakeholders, especially the Utilities, with three key strategies that can drive success.

  1. Apply Pull–Through Method of Regulatory Approval
  2. Adhere to the KISS Principle of Strategy
  3. Prepare Yourself with the Right Tools

Apply Pull–Through Method of Regulatory Approval

A counter method to the “wait and see” approach for gaining environmental strategy approval is to choose a leapfrog solution that is beyond the minimum regulatory requirements and then “pull-through” the remaining stakeholders especially regulatory agencies for approval.

What the last decade has taught the industry is that a reactive approach to the “self-implementing,” good-faith compliance decision rule produces less predictable results than a proactive approach. In environmental stewardship, doing the bare minimum is never enough.

EnCAP-IT can provide the Leapfrog Solution to manage

the proper Pull-Through Environmental Strategy.

Adhere to the KISS Principle of Strategy

The best strategies to combat the CCR challenges are derived from the simplest ideas and innovations, and they often come when we adhere to a principle with a clear message: “Keep It Simple, Stupid.”

Applying innovation doesn’t have to be earth-shattering. In fact, incremental innovation is most common; it builds on something that already exists.

“Simple can be harder than complex: you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” – Steve Jobs

safeBERM® and safeSTORAGE® construction methods are simple examples of incremental innovation. The methodology is leading-edge, but based on a solid foundation of simple, tried-and-true engineering principles.

EnCAP-IT can provide the Leapfrog Solution to balance environmental stewardship with economics, while controlling liability.

The Right Tools for the Job


Prepare Yourself with the Right Tools

EnCAP-IT has integrated its intellectual properties into its eMSE Structure designs (TOOLS) that:


Isolates CCR 100% from the environment, preventing water infiltration and the leaching of metals


Utilizes CCR in embankments, berms, engineered structural fills and other construction applications


Maximizes environmental safeguards


  • safeBERM® Construction Method to Create Bi-Directional Hydrostatic Barrier
  • safeSTORAGE® Construction Method to Maximize Capacity for Coal Ash Beneficiation Storage
  • safeBERM® Construction Method to Strengthen a Sloped Structure
  • safeBERM® Construction Method to Create Flood Control Prevention
  • safeSTORAGE® Construction Method to Reduce Ash Basin Retrofit Footprint
  • safeBERM® Construction Method to Expand Landfill Capacity

Let the EnCAP-IT Tools provide a Leapfrog Solution

for your CCR Rule Compliance Strategy.

Creativity, ingenuity, and innovation is the answer to find a middle-path, but it takes all stakeholders to embrace change.