egulatory certainty is here, at least for Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments or CCR Management Units. The EPA has defined “Legacy CCR Surface Impoundment”, the term “liquids”, the distinction “contains both CCR and liquids” and a “CCR Management Unit” to close loopholes and confusion, providing regulatory certainty.
NOW is the time for facility owners to gather the resources to strategize solutions to negotiate a middle path to compliance … You just have to reach!
Do you have the RIGHT TOOLS to manage this regulatory certainly?
EnCAP-IT has been involved in dozens of CCR unit site-level analyses. They all had common challenges and concerns: not enough space to safely store all the coal ash being excavated. While traditional storage methods lend, somewhat, to solving this dilemma, they often come up short. In every one of these analyses, using our tools provided a far safer, better, and cheaper way in which to properly create excavated ash reuses and/or storage.
When EnCAP-IT goes to work, we bring our tools with us.

Pull-Back Bi-Directional Hydrostatic Barrier
An eMSE berm (safeBERM®) can create a barrier that prevents intermittent, recurring, or sustained hydraulic connection between CCR basin and aquifer. It also can serve as a reuse for excavated coal ash not accounted for in original strategic closure plans.

Max Beneficiation Storage Facility
Using eMSE bunker style method (safeSTORAGE®) can maximize the long-term storage of excavated ash and extend the beneficiation processing facility’s lifespan well beyond the regulatory timeframe.

Strengthening a Sloped Structure
An eMSE berm (safeBERM®) can be used to strengthen an existing Berm, Basin, Levee, Embankment, or the Like by constructing an adjacent eMSE structure. It also can serve as a reuse for excavated coal ash not accounted for in original strategic closure plans.

Flood Control Prevention
An eMSE berm (safeBERM®) can protect facilities from river flooding caused by heavy rains. It also can serve as a reuse for excavated coal ash not accounted for in original strategic closure plans.

Ash Basin Retrofit
Using eMSE bunker style method (safeSTORAGE®) to convert on-site ash basin into a landfill will minimize double handling, reduce environmental exposure and could reduce the footprint acres 25 to 35% (VertiCell™).

Landfill Capacity Expansion
On-Site or off-site landfill expansion with an eMSE berm (safeBERM®) to increase capacity utilizing excavated coal ash as construction backfill. It also can serve as a reuse for excavated coal ash not accounted for in original strategic closure plans.
Creativity, ingenuity, and innovation is the answer to find a middle-path, but it takes all stakeholders to embrace change.