The race is on!
NIMBY, an acronym for “Not In My Backyard,” describes the local opposition to hosting a landfill for communities disposal needs, but what it should be called is SEBY, for “Somebody Else’s Back Yard”.
States, counties, and local jurisdictions are adding pressure to the country’s regional based landfill system by closing sites and forcing their waste to SEBY. Just imagine if all stakeholders decided to use the same tactic, closing their local landfills, only waste exports; resulting in a “trash crisis”. – The race to get rid of the waste before the “doors close”.
Waste Management is Highly Political
For years, states like Maryland, Massachusetts and most recently Maine have restricted the creation of in-state disposal options or have restricted waste imports. This most recent trends of limiting waste imports, like in middle Tennessee, has made the debate a county vs. county.
Recycling alone is not the answer. The aged old political strategy of increasing waste management costs so high that it forces citizens to recycle more does not work.
Politicians need to realize that closing a local landfill is not their primary waste management objective but providing a long-term solution for their community’s waste is. Increasing recycling rates is an important driver, however it is only a component. Until we perfect perpetual recycling for everything or develop the technology to launch waste into space — out of sight, out of mind — landfills will continue to be a necessity.
The closing of one landfill means the expansion or creation of another landfill.
The waste management business is a “Quasi-Utility”. Everyone needs waste management services and despite individual or family recycling efforts; everyone produces waste that needs to be collected, transported and long-termed stored (disposal). – CEO, Major Waste Company
A step before SEBY – Maximize What We’ve Got
Landfill operators/owners should make sure they have leveraged their existing waste footprint before venturing off to adjacent land or closing. To execute this step doesn’t require a huge paradigm shift or require a departure from traditional thinking.
Some landfill operators/owners continue to try traditional approaches to solve a less then tradition problems. Landfill operators/owners cannot have tunnel vision when looking for the proper solution to meet their environmental challenges.
EnCAP-IT: Incremental Innovation
Innovation doesn’t have to be earth-shattering. In fact, incremental innovation is most common; it builds on something that already exists.
At EnCAP-IT, our safeBERM®, safeSTORAGE® and safeREUSE™ patented, green solutions are examples of incremental innovation. The methodology is leading-edge, but based on a solid foundation of simple, tried-and-true engineering principles.
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