We have a natural tendency to focus in on “shiny new things” versus the “dull things”. There is no exception to this trend when dealing with environmental stewardship. Our society wants to move on to renewable energy, carbon neutral, zero waste, the shiny new things, but we mustn’t forget about the looming landfill capacity crisis, coal ash cleanup or the remediation of industrial waste left behind for decades, the dull things.
The board is full; so we need to “See the Whole Board”- Not just the Shiny Things
Too many of our conversations focus only on end results, usually in areas like power generation or electric cars, and forget about the solutions we need to obtain those results. And too many conversations focus only on a few ways to scale solutions — to the necessary size, at the necessary speed — to avert disaster.
Addressing the environmental conundrum is like playing chess. We need to use all the pieces, employ multiple strategies, and see the whole board. But, unlike chess, we must play this game with a complete strategy in mind, including dealing with the dull things to win.
Environmental politics should have lofty goals like renewable energy, carbon neutral, zero waste, the shiny new things. However, sometimes regulations move too fast for the solutions to implement a successful pathway, resulting in “regulation stacking”. For example, there is a critical need for new disposal options for some areas of the country, however some states within these areas are looking to legislatively restrict the siting of new landfill development. Existing landfill capacity is an important step in achieving zero waste.
As politicians regulate our society towards renewable energy, carbon neutral, zero waste, the shiny things; they mustn’t lose sight of the disposal and infrastructure, the dull things required to get us there.
Politics concentrate on Shiny New Things versus the Dull Things
Dull Things need to start taking center stage to solve
We Must Maximize What We’ve Got
To reach our materials recycling and organic waste diversion (composting) goals landfills are going to be needed in some form. The question all waste stakeholders should ask themselves is not, How soon can we close the landfill?” but, “How can we extend our landfill’s life without giving up any more land?”
Going Vertical – The land is limited, especially when considering the regulations surrounding waste management. By going vertical, environmental knights get more out of their limited space and keep a smaller footprint. The EnCAP-IT solution allows you to take things vertical and make better use of the land footprint. Additionally, communities will benefit when land is developed into open space.
We Must Maximize Beneficial Reuse
Another form of relief are solutions that use ash, impacted soils and non-recyclable materials as a construction fill material (on-site or off-site). Here at EnCAP-IT we specialize in eMSE solutions that maximize the use of space; always by making the most of every single acre, yard, or foot of available land for storage. Our safeBERM®, safeSTORAGE® and safeREUSE™ patented, green solutions can use beneficial use materials as construction fill in a protective, efficient, and economic manner.
“Renewable energy, carbon neutral, zero waste and environmental clean-ups are all great goals, however unless we shift the paradigm from the current trajectory the math doesn’t work. We are just adding too much waste for our projected capacity”
– John Swenson